Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New Album "The Kingdom" Released Today!

Hello Everyone!  We've made a new record called "The Kingdom", and it releases today. (Jan. 31/12)

This is a huge deal to us because we're no longer signed to a record label.  Which means, we did this by ourselves and paid for it out of our own pockets.  With that in mind, we'd be exceedingly grateful if you chose to experience the music from one of many options available:

1 - iTunes - You likely know the drill.
It's also on iTunes Australia/New Zealand, UK, European Union, Japan, Mexico, and Latin America (incl Brazil).

2 - Digital download, directly from us, available (hopefully) anywhere in the world.  It costs $9 USD and you can pay with credit card or paypal.  You'll then be emailed a link where you can download all 10 songs.  There are no file restrictions or DRM - you can play the songs on any device, burn a CD, etc.

3 - Christian bookstores across the USA, Canada, the UK and Europe.  This is an important one to us.  If you're a purist who still enjoys picking up a product, popping it in your CD player and thumbing through the lyrics and liner notes, then we'd love for you to support the local Christian retailer near you.  If they don't carry it, perhaps politely encourage an employee at the store to order a few copies.  When you support them you support us, too.

4 - Special Edition bundle.  Get an autographed CD, a Kingdom t-shirt, and a limited-edition 8 x10 print.  And since we don't want you to wait to hear the songs, you'll also receive an instant digital download of the whole record to enjoy until the CD arrives.  This bundle costs $25 and is for those fans who want something a little special.

5 - Free/Streaming Options - if you're not ready to buy just yet, we have put up a few songs at Spotify, Rhapsody, and NoiseTrade.  
Here's the NoiseTrade link:  http://noisetrade.com/starfield

Monday, January 9, 2012


"While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich people dropping their gifts in the collection box. Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two small coins.
 “I tell you the truth,” Jesus said, “this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them. For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.” (Luke 21:1-4 NLT)

I love this story.  There is so much theology and weight behind this simple story that Jesus recounts in Luke 21.  You have probably heard these verses before, in a church service, or a sermon on tithing, something like that.  I think that if all we get from this is that we need to give our money to the church, then we're missing the crux of the point.  This story is about stewardship.  Whether we have much or little, we must be compelled to give and to serve.  God calls us to so much more than the bare minimum, more than giving a "tiny part of our surplus".  I think the awkward thing for people in a relatively wealthy society is that we become inward focussed.  Spending all our time and energy building up wealth and pampering ourselves with often unnecessary conveniences.  I am guilty of this action, as are we all in one way or another.  I don't think God is calling all of us to give everything we have away (although this may be the case for some) but rather, we should give more than what's comfortable, or easy for us to give.  And this isn't just about money.  God has given each of us gifts and talents, and he asks us to give back to him in the same way we give money.  Not just with a little bit of effort, but with everything we have.  This can seem vague and confusing, and you're probably reading this thinking, "what does this look like for me?".  The answer is, Pray.  Ask God to reveal to you how you can give, or where you can serve, and I know the Holy Spirit will direct you.
Anyways, that's all I have for today.  Be encouraged, "you are blessed to be a blessing". (Cheezy catch phrase I know :) but so true)  - Jon.